Going to get 3 or 4 light Sussex hens, coop apparently takes 3-4 good sized birds, will seek advice from chicken man when I pick them up.
Simon also been busy with the raised beds at home, we decided two of them needed moving as the fence made it a bit dark on one side, so he moved two to the other side and has stacked them making them really nice and high, easy for weeding! Not a lot going on in them at the moment now the peas and beans are finished, have some sprouting broccoli, baby marrows and he planted up some more salad veg.
And the tumbling toms are doing well, regularly fed and producing lots of flowers and little tomatoes starting to appear. Some mini sunflowers in the baskets too to encourage the bees! Will be off to the allotments tomorrow to check things over and perhaps harvest the last of the broad beans, maybe plant some Charlotte potatoes for Xmas!