Well at long last spring has sprung.. Most of the Hot and Sweet Peppers are now in the allotment greenhouse at long last. All potted up in their final 10 litre growing pots. The "Super Hot" peppers are still under lights at home for a while as they are still on the small side, but it won't be long until they join them down the allotment. The only ones left in the house are; Demon Red, Loco (F1), Birdseye, Bengal Naga, Jolokia Naga, Long Hot habanero, Paper Lantern habanero and of course the Krakatoa F1 which is the house chilli.

Managed to acquire 3 good panes of greenhouse glass via
Freecycle so now the greenhouse is draft proof at last. Also via Ebay grabbed a micro irrigation kit and hooked it all up. It's really meant for mains water, but it kind of works via gravity so it should help when I can't get to water them every day as it trickles from the 80 litre tub full of water.

Couldn't quite fit all the peppers on the floor so two are up on the bench. As they grow the smaller plants will live up on here while the taller ones will get put down on the floor as I'm not sure how tall each of these peppers will get. That is the main reason that they have all been planted up in large pots so I can move them around nice and easy.

It's seems to have paid off germinating the peppers very early in the year as a couple of the peppers are starting to fruit and quite a few are showing signs of flowering. So maybe this year I'll get a good load of peppers and hot chillies.

So the race is on to find out which sweet and hot peppers produce the most and best fruit to go in the greenhouse next year, as I'm not going to grow 24 different types next season, but only grow two or three types but lots of each plant for the table.