Simon went down to the plot during the week and dug over some more of the new part to get ready for the brassicas. Hard work! Lots of thistles and comfrey, two nightmare plants. Just one quarter left to dig now and the whole new plot will be dug over. Broad beans have picked up after being transplanted last week and everything is starting to take off now. Even got some spuds poking their heads up. Also all the asparagus have come up, not for picking this year though.

Simon filled the flower beds under the hop arches with sweet peas he had grown from seed and some white cosmos that I had grown, also a couple of Wahoo sunflowers, grew them last year and they were lovely.

Planted up the brassica bed with two different types of kale, dwarf green and Starbor, some Jersey Wakefield cabbages and Brussel Sprout 'Brilliant'. Had some left over to give the allotment neighbours too. Still got some more bits and pieces growing in seed trays at home for the last quarter to be dug - turnips, more brussels, more cabbages, kohl rabi and celariac.
Filled the raised beds that were empty too, kale Nero di Toscana, carrots Nantes II, 2 types of Fennel and swiss chard Bright Lights. Just got to figure out where I'm going to put 4 rows of beetroot.........
Also planted out my 3 mammoth pumpkins, my marketmore cucumbers (in the polytunnel) and my giant sunflowers - growing them for the seeds for my chickens!