Also found a little lizard scurrying around the paving slabs - we see them from time to time and they are really delightful little creatures. He was rescued and put out of harms way and away from being stood on. Then I went into the polytunnel (which I leave the door open to as it gets so hot in there) and it sounded as though there was a bird trapped in there. In fact, it was a huge dragonfly that couldnt find his way out. Luckily Simon rescued him and set him free, after he had his photo taken of course! Beautiful insect.
And so ended a nice trip down to the allotment today, headed home with loads of veg for tea and an armful of flowers to brighten up the kitchen, cosmos, marigolds and huge daisies. All with a little help from grandson who will be getting his own raised bed and little trowel as soon as he is walking about!