Main job for September was taking up all the potatoes - had an excellent crop of Pink Fir Apples and Nicolas, Roosters were good as well but the skins were quite tough. Got enough stored in the garage to last us quite a while. Used the last of the garlic last night though so our decision to grow a lot more next year was the right one. Ordered 2 Provence Wight bulbs and 12 Elephant garlic from Marshalls, and a few hundred Senshyu Yellow onions so will put them in as soon as they arrive.
Other big job was planting the new fruit bushes. Picked up some cheap and cheerful ones from the Range, 4 for £10 so a bargain and look healthy enough. Got some blackcurrants, a fig tree to go in a big planter, a blueberry, some yellow raspberries and some redcurrants. Together with the rhubarb, currants, jostaberry, gooseberries and raspberries we already had it has turned the right hand side of plot 119 into a proper fruit patch. Just got to sort out some sort of fruit cage for next year.