Wednesday 4 April 2012

Gently Ticking Over

Had a day off today so split the day between the two plots.  Plot 69 is ticking along quite nicely, few carrots poking their heads up, the broad beans I direct sowed are also being brave.  Onions and shallots are doing very well.  And the beetroot is emerging.

Gave the whole site a hoe, amazing how quickly the weeds come up after a week of sunshine then a day of rain!  Yes, rain!  We had rain!  Nice to see the ground all damp without the effort of watering!   Then over to Plot 119 and not very happy......  we last went on Saturday and since then our two big water butts have gone, as has some of the greenhouse staging and a few other bits and pieces.  All we can put it down to is the previous tenants coming to take some bits away.  Wish they had left a note or something to let us know.  We took over the plot a couple of weeks ago and it looks almost fully cultivated now, we cleared all the rubbish away (a whole car full) and had the allotment looking pretty good, bearing in mind it was in a bit of a state before.  No sign of the previous tenants all that time, then what must have been on their final tenancy day I think they must have come down to take the bits they wanted.  If it was me, I would have seen that someone had taken over the plot and just left them to it, especially as we were allowed to have  it for 2 weeks now.  People can be funny....  So now we have to find some water butts.  Not impressed.  And then to top it all, 3 of my tomato plants were in a draught in the poly tunnel and died.  As they forecast some cold weather now and my greenhouse at home isn't very warm I decided to take all my other tomato plants down to the proper greenhouse on 119.  Always really warm in there, even when the weather is cold, seems to retain its heat really well.  Also took down the rest of the grow bags.

Then managed to get a bit more digging in before it started to rain again, only this last little corner to do now.  Dug up some fruit bushes and transplanted them, not sure what they are yet, will have to wait and see when they fruit!

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