So, most of Plot 119 dug over now.... pics to follow! Spent the day at home in the back garden today, potted up my turnip seedlings, sowed the celery and brussel sprouts into module pots and generally pottered around poking things and telling things to grow. The shelving in the greenhouse at home is full now of seedlings and I have my window sills back! Lovely to see the garden coming to life, flowers on the broad beans, peas looking very healthy, carrots looking more like carrots and the radishes, lettuces and rocket are all looking enthusiastic. Had to sort out my netting today though as Rosie the cat decided one of the raised beds would make a nice spot to sleep in the sun.....
And then sulked because I moved her off my suffocated lettuces. Poor Rosie. Put a short cane up in the centre of the bed with a plastic bottle on top, that'll stop her in future!
And about the rabbits? We have evidence of furry fings down plot 119, piles of currants and grey fluff....... have knee high chicken wire fence all around the plot with a small gap to walk through which we can put a chicken wire fence in, will they get over/under/through it? Am I wasting my time? How do I keep the funny babbits out???
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