Popped to Plot 119 after work yesterday as it was such a lovely afternoon and I wanted to check on the plants in the greenhouse, needn't have worried though, all still damp. Excited to see some courgettes coming up in the seed bed, only 3 of them so far but its a start! Tomatoes seem to be holding their own after a sticky start - seem to be left with the stronger ones now which cant be a bad thing, gave them a feed today as they have been in the same compost for some time now and will be a while yet before I put them in their growbags.

Not sure what is up with my first 3 cucumbers however, one looked so sad I had to put it out of its misery, the other two seem to keep losing their bottom leaves, they grow new ones on top but then drop some. Ending up with healthy top growth but spindly stems with no leaves on.... very odd, they have been treated very well and given the best attention but are failing miserably. Started off more now of a different variety in the hope that I will have more success second time around. Maybe they are supposed to do this.. not sure! Never grown them before.

And also emerging are the first of the Bunyards Exhibition broad beans, and some of our potatoes! Really pleased. Just got to work out rabbit protection now - saw one hopping around the site further down without a care in the world and nibbling the grass. Very sweet but unwanted on our allotment!
Jobs for the weekend? Well, a seed swap morning on Sunday in our communal garden room, should be interesting, got a few bits and bobs to take down, Simon is planning to take down some of his Cape Gooseberries as he has loads. And we want to start sorting out the compost heap and the path edgings - got lots of pallets there so will get busy with a hammer and nails. Got a rackety old compost heap which is absolutely huge and not very user friendly, hoping to clear it out and rebuild a 3 way system....