Up nice and early this morning, lovely weather but a bit of a nip in the air. Down to plot 119 - first of all we went to the communal garden room where there was a seed/seedling swap morning, nice to meet some new people and get involved in things. Everyone is so friendly here. Had a cup of tea and perused the seeds and seedlings, we took some odds and ends we didn't want and came away with things we did want. Result! Good way of doing it. Simons cape gooseberry seedlings went very quickly, bit of a novelty I suppose. After a bit of socialising and meeting a new couple who were down here for their first day and have taken over a plot very close to ours, we got to work. First job - plot inspection.... strawberries have a few flowers, broad beans are about 50% up now, no further tomato or cucumber losses, 3 courgettes up and not much else changed. Then Simon got to work building the second part of the archway - got 2 hop plants on order so he can create a tunnel of hops for his brewing. Got some growing at home but thought it would be nice to have them down the allotment too.

If things go really well then we may extend it to a 3rd arch and work our way down the path even further! Plan with the path is to do a edging with log roll or something cheaper then returf it or re seed it just to smarten it all up a bit., though I'm sure after the grass has been cut it will look a lot better.
Whilst Simon was doing that I made a start on sorting out the compost heap. Bit of a disaster area that, very messy, very big and very daunting.

But got started and found it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Good compost was lurking very near the top so started digging it out and putting it on the plot, and also made an extra bed in the greenhouse. Simon then made a new compost heap out of recycled bits from the old heap, think he did a brilliant job with what he had! Still got lots of compost to move but ran out of steam for today! When the old compost heap has been completely cleared then we shall use the space for more planting, quite a large area.

Your plots do look very good and you have a lot growing more than me but I'm getting in with it anyway,I built my compost a few times to get it right, when I got it looking on I moved plots and had one already built. Only thing we have found on our plot are animal teeth and nails also plenty of weeds,never found anything like and old pipe.