Autumn has arrived and time to tidy our plots ready for the winter. Having decided to give up our plot 69 next time the rent is due, the tidying there is being kept to a minimum. Went there first today and harvested some cabbages and pretty much the last of the decent runner beans and a few parsnips for our tea. Took down the french bean poles as those have all finished now and had a general sort out. Pulled out some duff cabbages and cauliflowers and then had a sort out in the shed, taking all our tools and useful items down to our other plot. Feel a little sad to be giving it up however it is a lot harder to maintain than our other site and it will be nice to give 100% of our time to one plot instead of doing 2 halfheartedly.
Down on plot 69 as is well. Pulled some decent cauliflowers and the last of the rhubarb, also more runner beans. Lots of tidying to be done, Simon got busy with the hoe and I worked with the shears to get the paths looking better. Actually got some aubergine flowers coming now, never expected that so late in the season, dont think they will come to anything though. Some of the onions we planted just a couple of weeks ago are showing growth, the January King cabbages are being nibbled though by something so put up netting. Couldnt find any caterpillars so not sure if its pigeons.

All in all a pleasant day, had lunch on the plot too which was nice when the sun came out! Already looking forward to the Spring!
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