Had a chat with the new plot secretary and discussed the possibility of taking on another half plot next to ours, would be lovely, and give us a bit more room to grow some potatoes and fruit bushes, will have to wait and see. The plots either side of us haven't been really cultivated at all this year, one due to illness, so it may be that one will be available for us to take on. Apparently there are at least 18 vacant plots so far that the committee are aware of, and that is prior to rent day. Rent day may bring a few more, guess the dreadful weather has put a few people off this year.

Did some more digging today, got the last of the right hand side dug over. Will do it once more before planting season, soil is looking excellent though, full of worms and goodness, bit damp but not many weeds at all.

Plot 119 looks to be in really good hands! Do hope you get chance to expand. I got chance to take on the half plot next to mine this year so went from two, separate, half plots to one, full, proper plot (actually one and a bit as it's on the edge of the site!) and it's a great feeling to have all that space in one place. All the best.