Went down to the allotment this morning to make a start on the new plot. Bit daunting but with a bit of hard work, thick gloves and determination we started to get it looking more like an allotment and less like a bramble patch. Trimmed back all the brambles along the back hedge, got a bit scratched but managed ok with shears and secatuers, some stems really thick, must have been years old. Simon marked out the plot with rope then sorted out all the long twigs to make a hurdle hedge down one side. Picked up all the rubbish, litter and general gardening detritus then Simon stumbled upon two folded up tarpaulins in the undergrowth, big enough to cover 2/3 of the plot and start weed suppressing. Two compost bins found in under the brambles too with fantastic compost ready to go. Made a half hearted start on digging.... then I had to finish to go to work. So work in progress, pleased with what we have achieved in one morning. Lots more digging to do though!
Work so far....

And the two plots side by side.....
looks like you've done well by finding some
ReplyDeleteCovers and compost,can't beat a bit of free stuff I'm always looking for free stuff.
You had a productive morning then! You've done a great job. That grass is hard work to dig over.
ReplyDeleteGrand job, especially in this horrible weather.