Put in our onions and garlic for overwintering yesterday. Got 2 large bulbs of Provence Wight which made 21 cloves to plant. 12 elephant garlic went in as well. Also 100 Senshyu Yellow onions. Still got another 100 to go in but waiting for the runner beans to completely finish and come down to make some room for them! Bought the garlic and onions from Marshalls for £28.15 which felt a little extravagent but couldnt find elephant garlic anywhere else any cheaper 12 for £8.95. In the garden centre is was £5 for 3. The plot they have been planted in has been enriched over the summer since the broad beans came out - lots of chicken manure. So hopefully that will help that corner as it was a little lacking in nutrients and the broad beans suffered for it a little this year.

Put in 20 sprouting broccoli plants as well yesterday and protected them well against all the critters down there. Plenty of room in the brassica bed for spring cabbages as well but not sorted them out yet....
Brussel sprouts are looking good - the F1 Brillants are certainly a lot more advanced than the Fillibasket variety even though they were planted at the same time. The Brilliants are almost ready for harvesting yet the Fillibaskets are still very tiny. Happy with that though as it means we wont have too many ready at the same time.
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