We were expecting to wade to our plot today, especially as the water was so high in January, however we were very surprised to see the waters had receded.
Still some standing water around but ours has drained away now. With the bank all built up around though it must have just soaked away as there was nowhere else for it to go. In previous years it would drain into the culvert via the 'badger run' but that has been blocked up now.
Glad to see the garlic, elephant garlic and onions are still there, I have no idea how they survive so long underwater, they must be very hardy. Shed is pretty sodden, don't think it will survive being moved now, the woodchip floor looks like papier mache. Lost one pane of glass from the greenhouse, otherwise not too much damage done. Not going to do anything down there now until the Spring comes, just in case it all ends up underwater again. And the ground is just to waterlogged to do anything too constructive anyway.
Allotment AGM this week but I will be at work so Simon may go on his own, I may follow on after work. I find AGMs quite disheartening though, it all feels like a big boys club with the same old people nominating the same old people every year, the majority of whom do nothing constructive or contributory throughout the year. Would be nice to see some new blood on the committee with some energy and enthusiasm for taking the site forward.
On a happier note, garden plans at home have been going well, will do a new post to show what hard work has been going on!
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