A lovely Spring day so went down the plot to plant some seeds and do some tidying up. Took a little bit of effort to get down there today as recent events have left us a little disheartened and jaded but hey ho. Tried to remember why we wanted an allotment in the first place and that spurred us on. So Simon got to work cleaning the greenhouse glass and I got busy with the fork and turned over the area that is going to grow this years beetroot. Simon got chatting with a very pleasant man who took on a plot just down the way from us last year and found out something very interesting. 3 weeks ago, the plotholder was discussing greenhouses with a site committee member and they decided to be very generous and offer this man OURS! Luckily the man knew that the greenhouse is very much in use and was full of chillies last summer, and the summer before, in fact Simon and him had had many a good chat last year, mainly about chilli growing. It goes without saying that he did not accept our greenhouse!! So, for now, we still have our greenhouse. Full of pots, awaiting Simons chillies which are almost ready to bring down when all threats of frost are gone.

So, planted 5 rows of beetroot, some Boltardy and some Detroit. Lots hopefully for pickling and for more yummy beetroot wine. Also started digging over the broad bean bed but this was part of the land that was trampled by the digger so the soil is so compressed it is incredibly hard going with a fork. Managed a few square feet before I had to give up and do weeding instead. Pulled some leeks for tea and a couple of last years beetroot. Also planted up the two flower beds with nasturtiums, calendula and bush sunflowers. Glad to see all the fruit bushes started to show signs of life now, also a couple of asparagus feeling brave enough to emerge, and Simons hops are starting to come to life. Next step, hop poles.

Will keep our heads down and carry on pottering around doing our thing. However, any more problems and we may have to look at relocating. Shame, as we like it down in 'soggy bottom', but every bit of trouble just takes us a step away from the idealism of allotmenting here. Just wanting a quiet life really.