The climbing beans are still not ready to pull up as I am collecting the seed from what is left growing on the plants. The weeds are taking over that section of the plot and I am now dreading the time when I have to dig it all over, but at least next year I'm dividing that area into two sections to hopefully make things a bit easier.
Talking of which, on another part of plot 120, where the broad beans and beetroot grew this year, I'm also sectioning up this area to make things better next year coping with the weeds. Still have to harvest some more beetroot from this area, but I took to the spade and fork and sorted half of it out.

Took loads of hardwood cuttings from the blackcurrant and Jostaberry bushes, about 10 of each and planted them where the courgettes,squashes and pumpkins where growing as this section has now been cleared of plants.

So that's all the courgettes and butter-nut squashes done for this year, there's still one pumpkin hanging on in there.

The sweet peppers and chillies are still fruiting but it won't be long now before there are finished for the year, the one's that are left I will pick next week maybe and then one or two of the plants I'll try and over winter. The rest will hit the compost heap.
Still loads to do, mostly tidying up and getting ready for the new year of growing.
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