Sunday 11 March 2012

Fruit bush added

Didn't plan on buying anything for the allotment today but that didn't last long!  We met up with a friend for lunch at the garden centre and came away with a Jostaberry, a gooseberry/blackcurrent cross, should be interesting!  Also picked up some more netting today, netting pegs and twine, a little mini rake and some Growmore.  Jostaberry all planted up now and cant wait to see what it does, it has meant that our last bed has become our 'F' bed.  We have beds 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and now F.  For fruit and, at the moment, for anything else beginning with F!  So, pumpkins and marrows, fruit and fennel.


Also Simon put roofing felt on the bench, seemed like an exceptionally good idea and saved bottoms from getting splinters.  Then we read a comment on here saying we might get tarry posteriors in sunny weather..... mmmm, hadnt thought about that one.  Might have to invest in a long cushion and keep it in the shed for such occasions....




  1. Jostaberries are lovely fruit bushes. They take no looking after at all and the fruits make lovely jam. They do grow quite big though!. I started off with a row of 5 in my fruit cage and have had to chop out 2 over the last couple of years as they've grown so big! Happy gardening!

  2. We are only having one and have already warned it that it cant get too big!
