Saturday 3 March 2012


Progress so far - some cabbages seedlings are up, no sign of the leeks or parsnips yet though - going to try chitting some more parsnips seeds and put them on damp kitchen paper just in case the first lot dont come up.  No sign of the broad beans yet though.....  all sat in the greenhouse doing their own thing.  Today I planted up the kale and brocolli seeds, not vast quantities, will see how these do and then do some more to stagger the planting a bit.


Can't fit much more on the window ledge with all the propagators too!  What else is going on with seedlings?  Ah yes, the pumpkins are doing well, planted one from a shop bought pumpkin as an experiment and a few Racer F1s and all came up and looking very vigorous.

   Only got 4 plants on the go though - they grow so huge that I didnt want a whole allotment full of pumpkins!

What else?  Sunflowers, a new bushy type called Wahoo - just to brighten up the allotment, tempt in the insects and provide nice cut flowers, and sunflower seeds of course, these shouldnt grow too huge either being bushy, and they apparently provide lots of flowers per plant.  Just poking their heads up at the moment but expect they will go mad very shortly!

Cucumbers seem happy enough on the kitchen windowsill, and the aubergines and sweet peppers are behaving themselves, and the tomatoes are starting to look more respectable, were very leggy at first but now seem to be getting their act together.  So, all in all, quite happy with progress so far, its so exciting seeing things come up!


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