Then on to plot 119 armed with a sandwich and time for quick refreshment before tackling more weeding and watering the greenhouse and polytunnel. First tomatoes are being formed,
little tiny green things. And some flowers on the cucumbers too. Really surprised to see a beautiful little flower on one of the chinese gooseberries - wasnt expecting that! Must be very
happy in the greenhouse.
Lots of pretty flowers around too, have lots of self seeded poppies including an amazing pink one, hope to grab some seeds later on in the year and plant some more. The calendulas are doing well too, brightens the place up a bit. Took some time just to sit and enjoy the place today too, a lovely atmosphere down there. Then off for a walk down by the river to pick some elderflowers for a batch of wine, did it last year and it was amazing.
Hi, thanks for your comment on the potatoes, I have been busy watering in the warmer weather in the hope that they potatoes grow larger :) your onions look fantastic, we pulled some up this week too. We have so many though, so looks like onions will be on all the future menus. Your flowers look lovely too. I especially liked the picture of the chinese gooseberry flower!