Went to check on both plots today after a very wet and windy week, was expecting everything to be everywhere, but surprisingly it was all looking pretty intact. The swede seedlings I put in last weekend are looking a bit sorry for themselves and the blackfly have had a population explosion but apart from that all is well. Squirted stuff at the blackfly aphids - think it has done the trick, none moving by the end of it! Nice to have a wander around without having to think about watering for hours. Ground is damp but certainly not soaking or flooding. Very pleased with the parsnips, they are coming along leaps and bounds. To think I germinated the seeds on damp kitchen paper and planted the tiny little sprouting seeds into pots with a pair of tweezers!

Broad beans plants are starting to produce little broad bean pods, what with both plots having beans, and some at home too, hopefully we will have a freezer full of them!

And the lovely colour calendula buds finally flowered, absolutely stunning colours, really pleased with them. Will definitely do them again next year. (Apologies for the fuzzy picture, only had camera on my phone tonight!)

that is a beautiful flower! :)