Sunday 19 August 2012


The greenhouse down on plot 119 is looking good, Simons chillis are doing really well.  Pulled out the last of the courgettes yesterday and all that remains in there now are the chillis, my sweet peppers and the chinese gooseberries (which have taken over a little bit!) I'll get Simon to add some notes to this post as I have no idea which type of chilli is which or whats going on with them really!  All I know is they are looking brilliant!  The plan is that next year he will take over one side of the greenhouse for chillis only and I will have the other side just for sweet peppers, so a real pepper house.  Unfortunately some of my sweet peppers are a bit stunted as the courgettes were blocking the light a bit, hopefully now that the courgettes have gone they will recover.

And the special one that took us by surprise.... Simons devil chilli!



  1. I'm trying chillies this years for the first time, they're just starting the first fruits... They're covered in aphids but they don't seem to mind (I am trying to get rid of them of course!). We shall see how they come on!

  2. Make up a garlic spray and give them a good squirting. Works for my Chillies

    3 large cloves of crushed garlic
    1 teaspoon of liquid soap
    1 tablespoon of vegetable oil
    1 litre of water

    Combine the garlic and vegetable oil and leave overnight to soak. Strain the mixture and add to the water and the liquid soap. Spray regularly.

  3. Thank you, I'll try that!

  4. mine have slug trails over them.
