Sunday 26 August 2012

Todays Harvest

Also down to Plot 119 today, chillis going mad, Simon picked some to preserve today.  Pulled up some unperforming tomato and cucumber plants, gradually clearing the polytunnel, will have to put a new cover on it next year as it is disintegrating.  So harvesting today was runner beans (we are swamped in runner beans!), potatoes (King Edwards), chard, curly kale, peppers, tomatoes, a cucumber, blackberries (from the thornless blackberry bushes), yellow plums (from the communal fruit trees), parsnips, kohl rabi, carrots (Chantenay), fennel, another car boot full!  The cat came to have a look too.  Shame I cant train her to prepare runner beans....

As I've made about 9 jars of plum jam we are going to use the plums this time for wine making and maybe an experimental plum gin.  Simon has our annual Sloe Gin on the go with some sloes from last year that were still in the freezer.  Wont be too long before this years will be ready for picking!

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