Wow, can't believe we are nearly at the end of August, not sure where that month went! Its been a month of watering cans, picking beans and cursing the caterpillars! Keeping on top of the watering has been a challenge, the polytunnel and greenhouse are certainly needing a lot of attention and we havent had much rain either to drench the rest of the plot. Put in some late leeks today that have been grown on in pots and the earth was as dry as a bone, more like sand really. The caterpillars have managed to become a real problem, despite netting the brassica bed we are still overun with them. Just like last year though, they dont seem to like curly kale very much so at least that is safe! The cauliflowers all bolted so lost them all - not been a good year for them at all. Luckily, the brussel sprouts seem to be coping with the crawlies and we have the first signs of sprouts already. Ah, the challenges of allotmenting. Would just be perfect if we had sun all day and rain all night but guess that would be too much to hope for!
Had our open day for the National Garden Scheme, was very successful and the allotment raised over £600! Was a really nice afternoon, cookery demonstration in the communal orchard, tea and cakes in the garden room and lots of people milling around, and good weather too. We spent the week before making sure the allotment looked as tidy as possible so glad we made an effort with it.
A few pictures - Simons chilli house looking fabulous, some of my tomatoes underway and one of my giant pumpkins. Not quite giant yet, but working on it!

I've had a problem with caterpillars this year all the sprouts and swedes have been eaten,I know it's nature but little buggers could of saved me some.