Thanks to Monty Don and his inspirational compost heaps Simon has been working really hard to create the same sort of thing. He managed to get some good quality pallets via our plot manager and today he cleared the area to the rear of the greenhouse and made a system of three compost bins. First bin for fresh allotment waste, second bin for when it is partially rotted down and a bit more crumbly and the third bin for when it is sieved and ready to use. So far the first bin is filling up nicely with the contents of the old compost heap. Already got some of the organice matter from the bottome of the heap into bin number two though. Looks a lot better than the compost heap we had before and hopefully the system will provide us with some brilliant usable compost next year. He just has to do the front slats now so we can get in and out of them easily. Got to empty the two plastic compost bins yet too, however not in any hurry as we know a slow worm has taken up residence in one of them!

Just a couple of other pictures - firstly Simons little melon in the greehouse - its surviving and getting bigger by the day!

And his lovely hops looking lovely in the sunshine today....
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