We got a little carried away collecting the Elderflowers and came home with two big carrier bags full of sprays.
The remainder that was not used to make up the wine have now been dried using my dehydrator, leaving us with 144 grams of dried elderflowers that we can use all year. Had to dry the Elderflowers in two batches we collected that much.

- 1 pint of Elderflowers with the stalks removed.
- 1.3kg of Sugar
- 2 lemons, zest added to fermenter bucket along with the juice.
- Boiling water
- Yeast and Nutrient
I have made up a 3 gallon batch for the girls this time around so all the ingredients where increased to match.
Once the Must had cooled over night the Yeast and Nutrient were both added and this will be left to ferment in the Bucket for a week, then it will be transferred into 3 demijohns to finish fermenting.
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