The beans are recovering after the bunny attack, so that is a good thing.
The tomatoes in the polytunnel are doing well, spent a good hour in the heat of the polytunnel pinching out the side shoots and tying them up. The Cucumbers are also doing pretty good. It's going to me rather packed in there once they all start shooting up the strings.
Courgettes are all quite happy growing away outside, some signs of the 1st flower or two as well. The pumpkins (for making beer) are also quite happy,growing away nice and strong.
The onions however are a bit of a disaster, all the tops got eaten, they started to bolt, they got drowned in the floods. All in all they haven't had a good time of it. Looks like I'm going to have to dig the whole lot up. Pickle the little ones and rescue the slightly larger ones for meals.
The garlic has also suffered quite a bit, they got a drowned over the winter and it looks as though "rust" has set in on the Solent White, but not the Elephant Garlic. I left them in the ground as long as I dare, but thought it best to dig them all up before it got any worse.
They look quite good, some are quite small but all the bulbs have split into cloves, no signs of disease and are all quite happily drying in the back garden.
Some of the fruit bushes are starting to fruit, all be it just a tiny bit. So started filling up the icecream tub in the freezer for a allotment fruit wine.
The chilies are doing okay in the green house, not as good as last year but they are doing okay.
The Hops, well they are getting heavy, bending both the flagpoles in and the strings keep slipping down towards the middle. Hey ho, a lesson learned for next year. I'm going to have to move two of the Hops next year and grow two hop plants wigwam style up each pole next time.
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