Apologies to Ken Dodd for the title first of all. The hops are indeed doing very well, despite the tail of end of Hurricane Bertha giving them a bit of a bashing today. Not very much rain with it, just some strong gusts of wind that were testing the poles integrity. The hops are flowering and hopefully will produce much hoppy goodness for Simons brewing.

Really pleased with the produce that is coming back from the plots, all of it down to Simons hard work really, I just go down and pick beans really, do a bit of weeding and generally stand back and admire all Simons dedication. Brought back another big bag of beans and crystal lemon cucumbers today, and some peppers and swiss chard. Freezer is full of beans so having to eat them. Lots. And lots.

Simon checking things out in his wonderful pepper greenhouse. All looking good in there. He munched on a Habenero today. Ouch.

One of our Invincible pumpkins, have a few coming along nicely now. Should go black on the outside and be bright orange on the inside. Headed towards a spot of beer making I reckon.

Our one and only marrow, earmarked for homemade marrow and ginger jam which is my all time favourite. Will let this grow for quite some time yet I think.

The jungle, AKA the polytunnel. Somewhere in there are multiple cucumbers, both 'normal' and crystal apples, and a melon. Its looking good but couldnt get close enough to photograph due to the prickly cucumbers. Oodles of tomato berries too, mostly green at the moment.

Simons lettuce bed. Not sure why the funny babbits are leaving this alone, would have thought it would suit Peter Rabbit to a tee. However they remain perfect and un-nibbled.

And finally, Simon with our tallest sunflower so far, the bank of sunflowers is looking lovely but they are all facing the wrong way due to the suns direction!