Our best parsnip this year....
Brewing Award Winning Beers and Wines in Somerset, and anything else I decide to post
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Saturday, 29 December 2012
Christmas Veggies
Our best parsnip this year....
Friday, 7 December 2012
One of the Girls
Attempting to Over-Winter my Chillies
Well winter is fast approaching and the chilli plants are now past their best. After chatting to other chilli growers this year i am attempting to over-winter some of the chilli plants that did well this year dispite of the weather.
Following the guide in 'grow-it' magazine, I've cut the plants back to about six inches above the soil. Shook away nearly all of the old compost from the root system.
Repotted the plants into single large pots with new compost and added some slow release 14:14:14 feed just in case.
Put some old bubble wrap on the cold greenhouse stageing, wrapped up the pots with more bubble wrap. Gave all the chillies a final small watering then covered the whole lot up with some garden flease.
So hopefully now next year, they should get off to a head start over the seed that i'll plant next year.
Saturday, 10 November 2012
Winters Coming
Sunday, 14 October 2012
Tidying Up
Down on plot 69 as is well. Pulled some decent cauliflowers and the last of the rhubarb, also more runner beans. Lots of tidying to be done, Simon got busy with the hoe and I worked with the shears to get the paths looking better. Actually got some aubergine flowers coming now, never expected that so late in the season, dont think they will come to anything though. Some of the onions we planted just a couple of weeks ago are showing growth, the January King cabbages are being nibbled though by something so put up netting. Couldnt find any caterpillars so not sure if its pigeons.
All in all a pleasant day, had lunch on the plot too which was nice when the sun came out! Already looking forward to the Spring!
Thursday, 11 October 2012
First big chilli harvest!!
As well as those I have grown 2 unknown peppers, which I have yet to identify. I think one is a Cayenne as it's around the same heat and shape as the others.
The other one, well I have no idea what it is.
I picked all the Patio Red (Sweet Peppers). Some have started to ripen but I wasn't expecting any of the peppers to ripen very well, what with the weather this year.

The Cayenne's have all been picked as well, even tho' they are still green.

The Jalapeño's looked about ready so again the plant is now naked of all fruit.

This is some of my unknown chilli plant fruits, no idea what it is, but it's a hot one. Just picked a few that where about ready, I have already pickled some that where green a month or so ago and still have plenty more left on the plant.

Picked a few of my Prairie Fire chillies as well, just the ones that where changing colour, these little chilli plants are very productive, with about 60 fruits on the plant still to be picked. They are VERY hot small fruits, so you only need a single pepper to heat up a dish.

Another of my unknown chillies, no idea what this could be, it's a small chilli plant about 2 foot high with lots of small 2inch fruits, that are currently green but are changing to orange, then most likely turning red. They have blunt ends to the chilli fruit and a very hot.

I'm hoping to over winter some of these plants this year in the cold greenhouse, I've not done this before, in fact this is only the second time I have ever grown chillies or sweet peppers. If I can over winter the plants, they should get better crops next year.
Saturday, 22 September 2012
More New Raised Beds
Went to our local sawmill after to get some free bark which they advertise, was going to do the path to match the other side, but unfortunately the bark was far too coarse for what we needed it for. Never mind, we bought some wood and stone chippings anyway to do our barbeque area at home so not a wasted journey.
Other things doing well on plot 119 are..... one cauliflower which actually looks like a cauliflower! The brussel sprouts are starting to form, and the last of the kohl rabi are ready for pulling. The celery seems to be taking forever to get big though, at this rate the first frosts will get them before we eat any! Also cleared the area between the greenhouse and the polytunnel and the old compost area, the plan next year is to get rid of the old polytunnel as it is falling apart and put a new smaller one up where the old compost area used to be, will open up a lot more space for digging over, with that extra space we should be in a position to possibly let the other plot go......
Sunday, 9 September 2012
Chicken Update
Seed Bargains
Saturday, 8 September 2012
More Raised Beds
So, a nice bit of allotment all ready to be worked again and we decided to put in some more raised beds to match the other side. Simon put 4 in to start with, another two to do. Nothing to plant in those two though so no hurry for those.
Put in some January King cabbages and the bare earth/compost is home to some spring green seeds, some of which are already poking their heads up after only being planted last Sunday. Started planning what we want to do with the plot next year too, did a bit of a drawn plan and with what we have learnt this year it has helped us to understand our requirements for next year. For example.... less runner beans! Less brussel sprouts - dont think we need the 4 rows that we have! Planning to get rid of the old polytunnel too as it is disintigrating and get a new smaller one to sit neatly beside the greenhouse. That way we have a large new space which would be ideal for the broad beans and the strawberry patch. Lots of plans. Oh, and a petrol strimmer would be nice, hard work keeping all the paths down with a pair of shears!
More Produce
That haul was from last Sunday, fennel was lovely roasted, parsnips were yummy too. Suggestively positioned cabbages and cucumber..... and beans, beans, kale, chard and more beans. Oh and a bunch of flowers.
And from today, yes, more beans. More fennel - had that for tea with a nice piece of barramundi and monkfish. Some of Simons chilli peppers and one of my long sweet peppers. Bit of spinach, a kohl rabi and the last of the rhubarb for this season. The chilli peppers are really good - Simon has strung them up in the kitchen and they look very pretty. Especially his 'devil' chilli.
Sunday, 26 August 2012
Todays Harvest
As I've made about 9 jars of plum jam we are going to use the plums this time for wine making and maybe an experimental plum gin. Simon has our annual Sloe Gin on the go with some sloes from last year that were still in the freezer. Wont be too long before this years will be ready for picking!
Another Busy Day
Picked a few parsnips for roasting and some kale, wanted to pick the last of the beetroot for pickling but still on the small size so will wait another week.
Sunday, 19 August 2012
Rhubarb Wine (part 1)
- 1.3kg chopped and frozen rhubarb.
- 4.5 litres (approx) of water
- 1.3kg Cane sugar
- 1 lemon
- Yeast & Yeast Nutrient
- Place frozen rhubarb in a large pan and bring to the boil, once boiling turn off the heat and leave to steep for 30mins by which time the rhubarb will have softened.
- Mash the rhubarb with a potato masher, aiming to squash all the juice from the rhubarb, keep mashing until the liquid goes pink and the rhubarb is crushed.
- Add the sugar and stir until dissolved, add the pared peel and the juice of the lemon. Stir well.
- Transfer into a 5 litre FV and cover loosely . Leave to cool overnight.
Blackberry Wine (part 1)
- 2.7kg of frozen blackberries
- 4.5 litres of water (boiling)
- 900g sugar
- 2 lemons
- 1/2 tsp citric acid
- 2 tsp Pectolase powder (optional)
- yeast and yeast nutrient
- In a large pan bring 4.5 litres of water to the boil,add the frozen blackberries and with the heat still on stir until the blackberries have melted. Mash the blackberries with a potato masher as the water comes back to the boil, then simmer for 15 mins.
- Turn of the heat and add the sugar, the citric acid, pared lemon peal and the juice from both the lemons. Stir until the sugar has dissolved.
- Transfer into a 10 litre FV or bucket and leave to steep and cool down overnight.
Chicken Progress
And the special one that took us by surprise.... Simons devil chilli!
Need a bigger freezer!
Simons sweetcorn are growing well and the brussel sprouts are really happy, should have lots of sprouts for christmas....
Monday, 13 August 2012
Plum Jam 1 & 2
(Rhubarb crumble in the background made with allotment rhubarb of course!)
Update on 26/8/12 - made some more plum jam since this entry, with the yellow plums from the communal fruit trees. Made loads, 6 jars of lovely yellow jam and its really yummy. Made some jam tarts with the bit of jam that couldnt fit in the jars and they were really fruity. Also made 3 jars of bramble jelly. Running out of room on my preserve shelf!
The Harvest Continues!
So, pulled some parsnips just to see what was going on under the ground and was surprised to get some really good ones, had them roasted for tea tonight, with some roasted kohl rabi we picked the week before, very delicious and not at all woody. One lone radish... aaaahhh! Some curly kale, again we had that for tea with our roast and it was delicious. Loads and loads of climbing beans, Blue Lake variety, they were lovely, put lots in the freezer, taste better than shop bought ones. More chard. Last of the rhubarb, some for the freezer and some in a crumble. Couple of cucumbers. Loads of runner beans but unfortunately some were too big, didnt pick them soon enough and they will be really tough. Did get four freezer bags full of tender ones though. Few tomatoes. Some sunflower heads - picking the seeds out for the chickens! And a tub of blackberries, lots of brambles behind our allotment, enough for wine and some jam. Finally two tubs of plums and damsons -for jam making as well. All in all a good haul. (Nearly forget to mention the chilli pepper at them front - fell off during watering!)