The plan today was to spend the morning at 69 then the afternoon at 119. Didn't quite work out that way though... after a leisurely morning at home we got to the allotment about 12, car full of young plants. Did some hoeing to try and make some headway with the weeds, if only the veg would grow as well as the weeds! Managed to find a few carrots and beetroots poking their heads up through. Simon planted some more Autumn King carrots as not many of the first sowing have come back, he reckons I must have planted them too deep. Lots of planting to do today, took up the 3 varieties of cabbage and Simon planted them all up and put on their cabbage collars. Noticed that Alans cabbage plants in the next plot along have been mauled by slugs so will have to nip back up again tomorrow with some slug deterrant.
Grass seed is starting to come up on the paths too. Also planted out the kale, cauliflowers and parsnips today, all grown from seed in the greenhouse and big enough to go out.
So progress so far.......
Bed 1 Spinach, Purple Sprouting Broccoli, Cauliflowers, Kale, Calabrese Broccoli (all in and complete)
Bed 2 Red Onions, White Onions, Shallots, Garlic (just the leeks to go in, growing in greenhouse)
Bed 3 Rhubarb Green Chard, Turnips, Cabbages - 3 varieties (just the swedes to go in, still in packet!)
Bed 4 Carrots, Beetroot, Parsnips, Potatoes (just celariac to go in, growing in greenhouse)
Bed 5 Broad beans (lots to go in this one yet - runner and climbing beans in greenhouse, dwarf french beans in packet)
Bed 6 Jostaberry, 2 different gooseberries, 2 pumpkins (more pumpkins and marrows to go in)

Jostaberry looking healthy

2 transplated pumpkins, out of the original 5 only these 2 survived, very fragile stems that snap so easily :( May direct sow some more or do them at home in the raised bed.
So busy day at 69, will have to do 119 tomorrow!