Popped down to the bottom allotment plot (119) after work yesterday, just to give the plants tomatoes a watering in the green house and was confronted with a lake.
After sploshing through the water and stepping into water a good 6 inches deep, filling my work boots with water I got to our plot.

Looks like we faired pretty well over all, as about 70% of our beds where still above the water line. Not so good news for alot of the plots at the bottom of the site as you can see from the photo. A lot of the plots are completely underwater.
We have about 4 broad bean plants underwater, one sunflower, a rhubarb and about 6 strawberry plants taking a swim.
One plus point though, I didn't have to go very far to fill up the watering can to water the plants in the green house.
Wow not looking good for some plot holders, i know we need the rain but it spoils itself by coming all at once. Hope the plots do dry out for yourself and other plot holders, we have had a bit of rain so only just got onto the allotment to do anything.