A quick dash up to the local garden centre first this morning for slug pellets, after seeing what the slimy fellows had done to Alans cabbages in the next plot along we decided we needed to protect our young plants we put in yesterday on Plot 69, so up there first to sort that out, then home for a while to do some sowing - got the sweetcorn sorted in toilet roll tubes, the swedes and the fennel in modules and the dwarf french beans in 3inch pots. Also got the marrows started and some more bushy sunflowers. The greenhouse at home is now full again! Then down to plot 119, raining again but used to it now! My wellies down there were full of water but never mind. At least the flood waters had receded and the site looks more like allotments than a swimming pool! No damage done really, all looking really fine. Put some more broad beans out and a few climbing beans that had been grown from salvaged beans found on the site. Got more climbing beans in the greenhouse, will put them out when risk of frost is well and truly past.

Pleased with the calendula in the allotment greenhouse, almost getting ready to plant out now.

And picked some more rhubarb for another crumble for tea..... really yummy -
cooked it with some ginger and marmalade and it was great!
No longer underwater! Grass paths could do with a cut but no chance while they are still so soggy and the heavens are still opening all the time!

Oh dear, with all this rain I'm worried about the slugs too. Haven't been to the allotment since sunday so I'll be mortified if everything has been eaten. I did put down a few pellets. I'd be interested to know if anyone has any interesting slug prevention ideas though.
ReplyDeleteAlso did you chit your sweetcorn first or just plant directly into the toilet rolls? I have heard different things from different people about this and don't know what to go for.
ReplyDeleteHumm no, we didn't chit them, just put them right from the packet into the toilet rolls. As per a leading magazine (Grow-**) and the instructions via VegetableSeeds.net
ReplyDeleteI didnt chit my sweetcorn either. I'm on my second sowing as the first failed miserably, the second however showed a 100% success rate with no chitting