Then down to plot 119, all looking pretty healthy down there, the strawbs have flowers on, the broad beans are growing, the climbing beans are surviving. Tomatoes in the polytunnel are doing very well - even got some flowers. Should be able to put the cucumbers in the growbags next weekend (after I've got more growbags!) Put in 4 rows of brussel sprouts today, and 3 rows of purple Kohl Rabi. Just the sweetcorn, celery and rainbow chard to put in down there, and maybe a marrow or two. Animal-proofed the little plants - netting to keep the birds off and Simon made a makeshift gate to hopefully keep the bunnies out - more droppings on the path today so they have been visiting. Luckily they have left the important things alone and seem happy to stay and nosh on the weeds! And put in a row of calendula to make the plot pretty and please the bees!
Courgettes are looking good in the greenhouse, only got 3 or 4 but we dont use courgettes much so I'm sure that will do us! And Simons cape gooseberries are coming along very nicely. All in all, a busy day but rewarded ourselves with a handful of rhubarb and made a nice crumble for pudding tonight!
Everything is looking good I had the same problem went the plot today to find something had been eating the cabbages cauliflower broccoli and sprouts so put slug pellets down and covered cabbages with net to stop birds will have to do the same for the rest tomorrow