Thursday 23 February 2012

Cape gooseberry "Little Lantern" (Physalis edulis)

Well is says on the packet that these can be grown outdoors in very mild climates, I wonder if Somerset is mild enough to grow these on the allotment?

I didn't expect many to germinate so I put quite a few in each coir plug, and was only intending to grow on 2 0r 3 of these plants.

As ya can see, I have quite a few to prick out and seems like a waste to just compost the little seedlings.  We have a spare spot I can plant these in, so might be worth a go at planting a few of these outside.

I'll be keeping a few back to grow alongside my Chillies in pots on the windowsill just in case.


  1. wormsaremyfriends24 February 2012 at 21:06

    Good luck with these, I grew one outside in a pot last year on the east coast, plant grew ok, but no flowers or fruit on mine. Looking forward to see how yours go.

  2. How long did these take to germinate? I have had some in for a couple of weeks now in an unheated propagator and still no sign. It may be too cold on the windowsill though.

  3. Simon says about 2 weeks so I shouldnt be too worried yet! (And he started his off in a heated propagator)
