Simon eas busy putting up the polytunnel, it is still in pretty good nick after last year and its hasty dismantling and went up ok. In a different spot this year, Simon will be direct planting the tomatoes, cucumbers and aubergines through plastic, bit of an experiment. Don't want to spend out on loads of growbags this year, plus they tended to dry out really quickly last year.
Hops continue to do well and some are staring to make their way up the twine. Looking good.
After doing more weeding I made a start on the boggy corner bank area, a huge smelly mess. Bits of carpet, bin bag, glass, wire, sharp things, bottles, brambles, sticks and the smell of dead animals and decay. Not a pleasant area at all. Simon could smell it from the other side of the plot. Not growing any veg in this corner this year, going to grow lots of different types of sunflowers. Will brighten it up and give us sunflower seeds for the chickens. A lot of work yet to to do though. The rest of this side of the plot will be devoted to climbing beans and runner beans. If it ever dries out enough to dig properly. Our work ended today when the heavens opened.
And took home more rhubarb for Simon to make up another batch of wine. 2nd lot so far this year.
We are going to use our tunnel more this year and plant straight into the soil,going to do the same and save money and don't buy so many grow bags. You have just reminded me I forgot to pick the rhubarb up from the plot,some will get eaten and the rest drank. All looking good.