So sitting the the brewshed under lights are:
Tigerella (Tomato)
Gardeners Delight (Tomato)
Cucumber Crystal Lemon
Cucumber Swing F1
Melon Outdoor Wonder
Looking forward to getting these in the polytunnel, I already have planted the Black Beauty Aubergines (4) and the Tomatoberry's (4) directly into the ground through sheeting instead of using growbags.
I am hoping that the tomatoes will do better than last year, now that I know what to do with them. We kinda just let them do their own thing last year as we didn't really understand about how to keep a cordon. I found a helpful website that explained it all in words & pictures that I could understand on how to prune them properly. It's all well and good books telling you to pinch out side shoots, suckers etc, but if you don't know what they look like it's not a lot of help.
Good luck with you tomatoes! I'm growing Tigerella and Gardener's Delight, too this year. I've grown both varieties quite a few times over the years and always had good yields. I like the sound of Cucumber Crystal Lemon; might try that myself. Al from LostthePlot