Popped down the Allotment yesterday to have a check around, by heck courgettes grow quick don't they. Didn't have much time to weed and tidy up so it was just a case of harvest a quick water in the polytunnel and green house then home.
I was very pleased to see the Dwarf french beans are doing well after the Rabbit attack earlier in the year. So on hands and knees picked lots of lovely dark purple, almost black beans. These beans are Purple King and when you cook them they turn green. They are a very nice French bean to eat as well, and so far a very good cropper.
The Climbing French beans are also making a come back, I'm not sure which type of bean I harvested as Jane planted 2 different types of climbing bean. Cobra and Hunter, both from vegetableseeds.net.
The Broad beans continue to do well, we have had loads of these and I really like them fresh from the pods for dinner.
Took a couple of the Sweet Peppers (Green) from the greenhouse to promote new flowers and fruit on the plants as the two plants these came from only had a single pepper on each and no flowers. The plants energy should now go into producing new fruit and hopefully more fruit on each plant.
I can hardly get into the polytunnel for cucumber plants, but managed to get a nice ripe Tomatoberry and another cucumber for the fridge.
Got a lovely nice big Pattypan squash as well, we had a small one last week which we cooked up with some courgettes and it was very nice. so I'm looking forward to chomping on this one.
Them there courgettes are heavy croppers, these are Green bush, and I picked 11 today alone, and we have already had 6 or 7 last week all from 5 plants, and still more to come. Good job we quite like them.
The only other thing I really did down the 'lottie was save some pea seed for next year and dead head and distribute some big pink poppy seeds and calendula seed to next years flower bed.
Fantastic ! - It really is great when you start harvesting the fruits ( and Veg!!) of your labour. Amazing Job well done - Robin www.vegblogs/downthelotty