I've used Danstar Nottingham ale yeast for this brew as I had a packet handy that needed to be used. This yeast needs to be hydrated before use in 100ml of water at 30-35'C for 15 minutes.
This gave me time to transfer the Wort from the No-Chill cube into the fermenting bucket, via a sieve to catch the Cube Hops that might escape. (Fuggle Flowers (4%AA) @ 10 grams and 13 days in the No-Cube)
The SG of the wort is at 1032, and the Nottingham ale yeast should bring it down to around 1008 giving a nice lighter ABV of 3%, ideal for a session beer. A English Mild should be around the 3-3.6% ABV anyway so it hits the Beer profile just nice.

This is the first time I have used the Fermentation fridge so I have a second temperature sensor measuring the values of the air in the fridge, and the temperature controller temperature sensor is strapped the the side of the bucket at it's half way point,under a polystyrene disk. At the moment there is a 1'C difference between the two readings.
According to the website for this yeast it's happy with temperatures between 14° to 21°C (57° to 70°F)
And just checking the temp readings now, the Fermenting bucket sensor is at 21°C and the Fridge sensor is at 22°C so I am quite happy with that for the moment.
So thus far, things I need to do for the next brewday is reduce the settings in the Brew Software so I don't make quite as much Sweet Wort. So not too much to change to get things almost bang on. Happy Days!!
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