The hot weather and heavy rain showers are certainly doing the plot some good (and making the weeds grow as well unfortunately). The courgettes almost grow before your very eyes and eating them with almost every meal. Good job we like them. Have had some more patty pan squashes too and they are really yummy fried in a little butter, garlic and thyme. The broad beans are coming to an end now but have some to put in the freezer, will be blanched and frozen tomorrow. And the climbing and dwarf beans are just amazing, so many of them, again, will have to freeze some I think.

A new addition for the garden at home is our grape vine, loaded with grapes and hopefully will take over the new fence and provide us with enough grapes next year for a few bottles of wine.

And to finish today, a selection of cut flowers from the garden, nice to bring a little of outdoors into the house, both vegetable and prettiness!
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